Childhood vs Adulthood. What you don’t know.

3 min readJul 24, 2020


Once some kids turn 18, they automatically think they need to move out of their parent’s house and live on their own. They don’t understand the harsh reality of being independent. Obviously, I know that peer pressure from friends can cause turmoil in the maturity rate process of a child which will force a person to feel the need to act more mature to fit in. They think it’s all fun until they become broke because of excess bills and stressed out because of so many responsibilities.

There are tons of factors that make adulthood and childhood so contrasting. Kids tend to be more relaxed and do not have to worry much. Apart from their smartphone bills which are usually cheap, other things are being taken care of from another person. Even the little bills they pay, the money is still gotten from their parents or guardian. They depend on their parents for almost everything from the smallest to the largest things. Kids aren’t that free. They have to obey the rules and regulations given to them by the higher authority.

When they are in school, they have to obey their teachers and at home, their parents. One of the big upsides with childhood is having to do what they think is fun. I see childhood as a stage to try out different things or I should say, embark in numerous roles to have experiences. Whether they get it right or they fail which they are most likely to do so, they absolutely have nothing to lose now they have people to fall back on and those experiences will go a long way to help when making future decisions. It might be much harder to try out those things having a tons of responsibilities.

One benefit of adulthood over childhood is freedom. Adults can do as they please as long as it’s legal. Nevertheless, those who have family to take care of usually can’t find themselves being “free” every time. They have to be there to provide their children and take care of their needs, provide for the family and also strategize to take care of themselves too. Because of this, many adults are looking to have high paying jobs or a business that can bring cash flow. They even have people outside the immediate family who will also need their support. Some also have to take care of their parents when they are aged. Combining all these can be worrisome and hectic.

Summarizing all I have said, you can see that adulthood comes with responsibilities that childhood doesn’t have. Because children are usually seen as innocent which possibly has direct relation to their maturity level, someday they will be introduced to the outside world which is not an innocent place. I strongly believe a child’s innocence cannot be protected forever. For this reason, kids need to live the moment instead of wishing to be older and also learn to enjoy childhood instead of rushing it away.





Written by CAVICON

::: Die Erwachte Persönlichkeit :::

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