Dean’s List
There are critical bugs and UI fixes to be done on protocols to advance the user experience. Hackers could capitalize on these loopholes which in most cases, leads to the downfall of a project or protocol.
As a person or with a team of skilled and experienced individuals, go bug hunting on several protocols, draft out possible ways to increase the user experience, and suggest ideas or feature requests to improve the existing protocol or platform.
“DeanTheMachine, Pontes, Avidlearner, Pavelsan, Riptyde, Takisoul, Imatemu,….. Let’s get to work”
Dean’s List is a workforce and a serviceDAO/subDAO of Grape protocol made up of Solana and web3 power users that focus on providing in-depth user feedback to protocols on Solana so they can improve their design.
By having a separate community from Grape protocol’s discord server and its own token ($DEAN), this subDAO operates as a self-sustaining unit that can be viewed as a tokenized, mobile freelance team.

Dean’s List is made up primarily of Grape members, although technically separate from Grape. In order to commission a research report from Dean’s List, one first needs to purchase the subDAO’s native token.
To be a ‘one of us’, purchase 1 $DEAN token to access the discord by swapping an amount of $GRAPE tokens equivalent to 1 $DEAN. If a project is interested in joining a bounty review, one of the project team members has to purchase 1 $DEAN token and afterward, set up a bounty on Strata Protocol.
Also, Grape Access powers the Dean list discord server. Therefore, you’re required to link your wallet to the Network to access the review channels on the server.
The Strata Protocol lets you effortlessly create tokens and networks of Tokens with zero listing fees on Solana.

N/B: Strata protocol and Realms helped in making the $DEAN token as well.
The #project-hitlist channel is where members share social media links of Solana projects to reach out to.

After this, projects are filtered and announced on Twitter for the auction to begin. The auction usually lasts for two days.
The highest bidder wins the feedback spot for the week and the project’s feedback channel is created and added under the feedback focus section in the Dean’s List discord server. Interested members post the issues, in-depth feedback requests, and other relevant adjustments to the selected project in the channel.
At the end of the bounty, all submissions are compiled in the document as a report and sent to the project team member(s).
It is not necessary for all verified members to contribute to every bounty.
65% = Feedback team
15% = Feedback documentation and refinement
10% = Marketing
10% = Treasury

N/B: The format above is subject to change in the future. However, the awarding of the bounty rewards to participants depends on the inputs given which means the more inputs, the higher a member’s allocation and vice versa.
As a subDAO of Grape protocol, dean’s List has a treasury of its own and DAO on realms specifically for the feedback team. Royalties on sales/purchases go straight to this treasury, and each token has 1 to 1 voting power.

Below are some of the testimonials of a few team members of distinct projects that got in touch with the feedback crew of Dean’s List.

About SharkyFi
SharkyFi is a platform where anyone can make loan offers for NFTs in a collection, and holders choose the NFT, left-click-borrow instantly. You make money as a lender. You get cash on-demand as a borrower.

About Squads Protocol
Squads Protocol helps web3-native teams organize, make decisions on-chain and manage digital assets together using codified membership, multi-signature wallets (multi-sigs) called “Vaults,” and tokenless, on-chain voting for governance(DAO).

About ChapterX
ChapterX is an immersive 3D platform for projects to build, connect, and interact with their communities.

About Gilder
Gilder is a mobile app for DAOs and their members to have one easy-to-use place to interact together and through the DAO.